Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Life and Influence of Martin Luther Essay - 1339 Words

The Life and Influence of Martin Luther Thesis: Martin Luther was by far one of the most influential people in Church history. His doctrine on faith and works was instrumental in the success of the reformation and has since become a cornerstone of the church we know today. Martin Luther was born on November 10th 1483. His father, Hans Luther, had made something out of himself and came to own a copper mine. Desiring to see his own son go even further he pushed him in school. By the time he was seventeen years old he was entering the university life. In four years he had obtained a Master’s degree from the University of Erfurt. From here his father pushed him into law school. This is not where Martin Luther would stay. While on the road,†¦show more content†¦Justification or salvation happened with an individual based on their relationship with God. This was merely a public affirmation similar to Baptism. The Church began to pray on the fact that the common people believed that through their (the church) words they (the people) were being justified. Lindberg states, â€Å"The word of absolution is rather a verbal act, which first creates a relationship 0 between God in whose name it is spoken, and the person to whom it is spoken and who believes the promise.† Running a church with the size and functionality of the Roman Catholic Church is expensive and people were willing to pay to see themselves and their love ones absolved of sin. The indulgence was the proverbial Get out of Jail Free card. Martin Luther’s most dramatic and bold act may have been nailing 95 Theses onto the Church doors in Wittenberg. â€Å"It all began with Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses which seemed to be aimed at depriving the pope of his power and the people of their consolation.† Nearly all of the 95 Theses are aimed toward clarifying justification as an act of faith and that no man or money can get it for you. The twenty first thesis states â€Å"Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences.† With the sale of indulgences came the implication that you are rewarded for good works, but any other work is going to cost you something only the ChurchShow MoreRelatedHow Marriage And Family Concepts Relationship Between Hinduism And Christianity Are Influenced By Laws Of Manu And Writings1679 Words   |  7 PagesI am going to talk about how marriage and family concepts or relationship in Hinduism and Christianity are influenced by Laws of Manu and Writings of Martin Luther. Martin Luther, a German monk, priest and theologian, is a great reformer in western church history. He focused his study on the necessity for salvation and stated that the rightness of God is the strong faith believers have. 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