Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Market Analysis of Danish Tea Market-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Market Analysis and recommendation for Danish Tea Market. Answer: Introduction This report will focus on the start-up online company Tealure which was established in Denmark. As per Tealure.dk (2018) it is a profit oriented social venture that excels in selling the most superior quality variety of tea. They use the method of triple bottom line approach in order to evaluate their own performance in a much wider perspective for creating greater business value. This refers to everyone in the activities of growing and manufacturing tea to promote the health of the environment. This is done by using biodegradable, three-free packaging and assigning a part of the profit gained by the company to the farmers of Tealure by providing micro loans to the poor and underprivileged individual in Nepal (Tajeddini, Elg Ghauri, 2015). The unique selling point of the company is that they import tea directly from Nepal. The people of the company directly go to the eastern region of Nepal to collect the fresh tea leaves and then import those to Denmark. The authentic quality of t ea that is imported from the foothills of the Himalayan region is targeted to the entire market in Denmark and parts of Europe (Chawla Highlands, 2016). As per the information it is found that the company being a start- up is facing challenges in building a firm base in the market due to financial crisis. Moreover they could not invest in building a proper brand image due to the same problem. In the course of this report the branding strategies will be discussed which will be helpful for this start- up company to establish a strong base in the Danish market. This report will also focus on the activities that the company has already been involved such as doing promotional activities, paying visit to the current and probable customers, creating contents for the social networking websites to grab public or sponsors attention. Market positioning and segmentation will be discussed throughout this report to find out the elements which are lacking in the plan of the company. Different variety of product and taste of tea will be cultured to find out the distinguishing feature in the Tealure products (Vincent et al., 2016). It will make the company stand out from the competitors in the similar industry. The relevant strategies of pricing and distribution will be discussed to help the company in saving money for building up a good brand image. By organizing extraordinary promotional activities and building a strong brand image the company will be able to counter back in the competitive market of Denmark (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2014). Tea market in Denmark In order to discuss about the tea market in Denmark it is important to mention that tea grows by 5% in retail volume which is quite a healthy growth (Matthews et al., 2016). As per the growth curve of 5 years, Pickwick is the most popular tea brand in 2014 with market value of 27%. It is expected that tea will grow at 2% in total volume in the forecast era. The most important category in the Denmark market is the black tea which had a retail volume share of 77% in the year 2016. But there was a shift in the sale of tea from black standard to black specialty in the market of Denmark. On one hand the standard black tea experienced a decline in retail volume sales by 1% and on the other hand the black specialty tea grew by 3% in retail volume in the same year (Amankwah- Amoah, Boso Debrah, 2017). This shed light on the fact that the black specialty tea was attracting the consumer more than black standard tea thus increasing its sale volume to 5% and the specialty decreased to 2% growth . The tea products in Denmark are comparatively combined with three of the biggest players grabbing a 67% retail value share in the year 2016 (Sintonnen et al., 2016). The two prominent companies of Merrild Kaffe and Unilever Danmark held the retail volume share of 31% and 23% respectively. Merrild Kaffe is considered as the backbone of the best-selling tea brand in Denmark, Pickwick and therefore Tealure has to find ways by which it can compete with such an established brand (Hoppner Griffith, 2015). Unlike Tealure, Pickwick is widely famous in the market with a strong brand name and has also achieved the loyalty of the consumers. This is because they have various ranges of products such as black standard tea bags, black specialty tea bags, green tea and others. They have become successful by huge retail distribution and are available in almost every retail chain of Denmark. On the other hand Unilever Denmark is considered as the main pillar of Lipton which is another popular tea bra nd and available to the consumers in various categories (Jean et al., 2016). Apart from this two, there is another popular black standard tea brand Medova which is also ruling the Danish tea market. This is the recent scenario in the market of Denmark and Tealure has to consider these before planning to build up a strong brand for themselves. As there is an increase in the consumption of tea therefore it can be expected to increase by 40% in the next 2 years (Souchon et al., 2016). This will be a strong point on the part of Tealure because with the increase in tea consumption they will be able to create an impact on the market by providing quality of products. It can be found that there was an increase of 16% in the retail volume sales of green tea in Denmark 5 years ago. A lot has changed over time and with the increase in concern among the people the tea market is evolving. About Tealure Tealure is a Denmark based company which directly imports teas from Nepal and also aims to deliver their product in Denmark and in some parts of Europe (Sun, Paswan Tieslau, 2016). They go directly to the tea gardens which are located in the eastern part of Nepal which is then imported to Denmark. Currently the company is looking for new ways to set their brand name in the market but is unable to do so due to financial crisis and that is why their brand building is remaining incomplete (Dang Lantican, 2016). Currently they are facing the challenge of scarcity in income and direct import has been considered as a solution to this problem. The company believes in natural and tree-free packaging. They are also trying to build up their image in the Danish market by providing premium quality of tea products to the consumer in order to create a unique value proposition and build transparency. This will be a primary step for Tealure in building up their brand image in the Danish tea market . With the building up of the brand image the company aims to put their focus on the B2B marketing which will help them in making direct commercial transaction with another (De Mooij, 2015). B2B will be effective in the marketing of Tealure because it is an online company and they source raw materials from Nepal. If Tealure is able to build a strong brand image in Denmark then they plan to penetrate into the high- end restaurants and cafes in Middle East and Asia (Cavusgil et al., 2014). Tealure is a web- based company which was established by chance from the tea plantations in Nepal. The founder of this start-up company, Ernestas got warm welcome from the farmers of Nepal while his vacation turned into a research work centering on Nepalese tea. Being an avid tea lover the sight of an area enclosed in tea plantation immediately caught his attention and he got impressed by the scenic beauty. He extended his stay in the foothills of Himalayan region to get acquainted with the routine life of the farmers of the area. This extended stay helped him to get an idea of the challenges that the farmers face while cultivating or sustaining their life in tea plantation (Knight, 2015). This incident implanted the seed of entrepreneurship in the mind of Ernestas when he decided to open up his new online company. His intention behind building an online tea company was to make the people aware about the special tea that is grown in the region of Nepal. In this way he created an appreciation for the farmers who are involved in the process of growing, plucking and manufacturing tea. The summary of this entire plan and business came to be known as Tealure (Schmid, Grosche Mayrhofer, 2016). Ernestas, thus helped the farmers by making an way for their living and that is how the import business of the Danish tea came into being. In the respect of sourcing tea from Nepal, it can be considered as a waste of money because sourcing from other continent costs a lot. Not only did the owner make his own life by starting a company but also made the life of the farmers easy by leading them in a sustainable way. Tea products The company sells teas in different forms in order to fulfill various needs. They have a special pyramid tea bag which is meant for those who cannot survive a day without tea in the office. Apart from that they have loose tea and others in Lokta and bamboo packaging which are made in Nepal and also eco- friendly (Kaleka Morgan, 2017). There is variety of tea products available in Tealure such green needle, thai oolong, Shangri- la oolong, autumn green, autumn white, spring white, Himalayan gold and spring black teposer. Apart from the instant ready- to- drink teas there are other products such as black tea bags, iced tea and powder tea mix, green and white teas, herbal beverage teas, medicinal teas, iced teas and powder tea mix, chai teas, liquid tea concentrates, African red teas and black teas. Along with the attractive products that are mentioned above, the attractive part is the pyramid shaped tea sachets so that they can be used anywhere, at home or in office (Asugman McCullou gh, 2015). The tea products are imported directly from Nepal so it is important to shed light on this small country of South Asia. The place is a mixture of religion and culture blended together in harmony. In addition to that they have a wide variety of nature from the hot and humid jungle that shelters the wild rhinos, tigers and elephants to the sturdy Himalayas along the north. On the other part of Nepal, there lies hilly area of lush green vegetables and tea plantations. The increase in growth in the hilly areas of the east one of Nepal is actually similar to its neighboring area of Darjeeling. There is plenty of rainfall and the hot and sultry summer days are complemented by the chilly nights (Felzensztein, 2014). The Nepali tea has not yet achieved the fame and recognition in comparison to Darjeeling or Assam tea. The more one proceeds towards the west of Nepal there is increase in the growth of tea and the farmers expect that this demand will never fall below, rather it will rise eventually. This kind of development is always appreciated as it will enable the farmers and their families to have a sustained life and they will also be able to establish new plantation as future security. The sourcing of the tea products by Tealure company has been of great help for the farmers as it has provided an way of additional income for them and there will be growth hike too (Javalgi La Toya, 2015). There are a lot of unavoidable problems such as poor quality of tea leaves, low yields and fluctuation in price. Apart from that sometimes the negative attitude among the workers hamper the production of tea. This result in selling the crops at a low cost and the companies such as Tealure face the catastrophic effect. Tealure, although a start- up company has found a probable solution to this problem by keeping appropriate prices so that the farmers can gain a fair amount of money for their tea products. Thus Tealure has the ultimate goal of paving a better way in front of the inexperienced farmers for enabling fair and independent tea farming in Nepal (Kraus et al., 2016). Taste of tea The tea that is sold by Tealure is pure and single- estate specialty tea with distinguished flavor that is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas (Fernando, Rajapaksha Kumari, 2016). The flavors of the tea are mentioned above and each of them has a wide range of unique blends that are distributed and sold online. The taste of Nepali tea is being spread all over Denmark and Tealure also intends to target some other parts of Europe through its great essence. Through this report Tealure is going to make the customers aware about the health benefits of tea and spread the aura of Nepali tea. Studies have shown that there are a number of tea flavors hitting the market by bringing in new flavors and favorite picks of the customers. The taste of oolong is popular among the consumers and also the standard black tea which gets enhanced with the striking fruits so that it can hit the younger target market (Skarmeas, Zeriti Baltas, 2016). There are some other tea companies who are experimenting with strong profile of flavors ranging from chocolate and pomegranate to turmeric and other spices being added to the small tea pouches. The implementation of Nepali tea in the European market is a strong step that Tealure is going to put forward. They have also planned to mix spices to add flavor to the Nepalese tea. It will be a unique combination because people are not used to the taste of the Himalayan region (Zhao Priporas, 2017). As they are an online company and have not been successful in building a proper brand image, this innovation of the company will help them in doing so. It will help in answering the specific question related to the topic of building brand existence in the Danish market by Tealure. In order to reveal more inquisitiveness about the Nepali tea it can be explained that there are two categories. The first one is the mechanically processed CTC, also known as crush- tear- curl teas. These are available in blends or in bags and suitable for preparing Nepali sweet tea with milk. Again there are orthodox teas which are the primitive leafy teas that are being rolled in machine or by hand. The specific teas those are cultivated for the orthodox tea market is found in the comparatively high altitude areas near the mountain ranges of the Himalayas but the CTC are grown in the lower altitude areas. Irrespective of the demarcation in category the teas get their subtle flavors from the natural climatic condition of the area (Gnizy Shoham, 2014). Differentiation of the product Regarding the competitive landscape the Tealure Company will be able to dominate other companies in Denmark. Majority of the brands offer a very less variant of tea products, but Tealure Company will provide its target consumers with a huge variety green tea, fruit tea herbal tea and others, which will not only provide them with relaxation but also take care of their health. The company is planning to enter the market of Denmark, with its huge variety of tea products. The healthy hot drink will benefit the consumers as it will act as a treatment for moderate sore joints, pain in the muscles, cure indigestion and appetite loss (Morgan, 2012). No other brands or products provide such variants and health benefits at such low costs. The price that is set by the Tealure Company will be the biggest advantage for the company. It can be purchased as well as enjoyed by every individual group. In addition to this, it is highly important for the company to understand the purchasing behavior and attitude of the Danish market. The documented benefits of health will help in contributing to its retail growth of the volume. For instance; Tealure Company claims that they have special tea products will help in preventing diabetes as well as cancer. Furthermore, the products are highly recommended by certified doctors and dieticians (De Mooij, 2013). Certain claims made by the Tealure Company will help in attracting consumers on a huge scale, especially those who are concerned about their health. The consumers willingness as well as curiosity will help the company have a strong performance in the international platform. This will further open new and great opportunities for the company to enter other markets as well. Moreover, laying emphasis on the health as well as wellness factor will prove highly beneficial for the Tealure Company. It will help in boosting the total volume of the sales in Denmark. Being highly proficient in the foreign market is completely dependent on the companys integrating capabilities (Paliwoda Thomas, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the company needs to keep certain factors in mind, in order to ensure that their products flourish to a large extent. Tealure Company should emphasize on the product differentiation strategy, as the company has huge range of products and variants as well. In addition to this, the marketing strategies adopted by the company are also competent enough to compete in the foreign market. In addition to this, the company can also focus on its promotional strategies in order to attract the consumers and lure them to buy the products. The documented benefits of the health will add to the overall success of the company. Thus, the company can apply such strategies in the foreign market in order to flourish (Pinto, 2015). Consumer target market The consumer demographic for consuming tea in the market of Denmark has expanded to a huge extent due to the introduction of readymade beverages, which appeals to the consumers. However, Tealure Company has set the target market to a very specific set of individuals, who prefer tea over coffee. The company targets both the global as well as local market. The local market is referred to the existing local tea drinkers, along with providing them with something attractive and new with a great taste and aroma. This will help the company to make huge profit as well as customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it will highly contribute to the companys overall profit structure (Wagner III Hollenbeck, 2014). The global market can also benefit the Tealure Company to a huge extent. It particularly refers to the export business to other foreign countries, which will help in earning foreign currency. However, the company has set a specific target market of individuals belonging to the age group of 20-70. In addition to this, the non users who have already tried the tea bags of other companies, but are not aware of the flavored ones. Moreover, the working professionals who lead a stressful as well as busy life can be the target market of the company. The working professionals maintain their lives and interests and health is of utmost importance for them. They are always active tea drinkers and do not compromise on their health and body (Kotabe Helsen, 2014). In addition to this, Tealure Company must also focus on the fitness freaks, with their special variant of green and herbal tea. Furthermore, the increasing knowledge of both the positive effects of tea and negative effects of sodas will lure the consumers to buy products from Tealure Company. A huge chunk of the target group is expected to move to the tea segment due to this important factor. Taking the availability and convenience into consideration, the products will be sold at the grocery stores at much affordable prices. Moreover, from leaked information, it has been seen that the market of Denmark has seen an enormous rise in the tea products sales. Additionally, chefs are using tea products as one of the ingredients for preparing all types of creative dishes and recipes. Furthermore, tea is also seen as a major ingredient for several skin care products. Therefore, these factors will benefit the companys overall business to a huge extent (Morgan, 2012). Competition Tea is considered to be the second most consumed beverage after water. Majority of the companies are trying to discover new ways of penetrating into the international markets. Be it online or offline store, the overall sales of the tea products are rising on a regular basis. The total value of tea sold in the foreign markets is around ten billion today. However, with the ever increasing globalization, the competition also increases. The Tealure Company, before entering into the market of Denmark, needs to keep a track of their highly sold tea brands. The main competitors of the Tealure Company are the most famous international brands like, Lipton, Pickwick, Twinings and others (Hilal Mubarak, 2016). The company must also focus on the way its competitors are conducting their promotional activities. The more the company is competent enough in this segment, the more Tealure Company will get benefitted on the international platform (Mullins, Walker Boyd Jr, 2012). In addition to this, Tealure Company must start investing on their promotional activities, which needs to be attractive and catch as well. This will help in luring a huge chunk of the target consumers. Moreover, the competitor brands have no such evidence of lower quality product; thus, Tealure Company should also provide its target consumers with sound evidence regarding the healthy benefits of consuming their products. It is true that there are innumerable tea brands in the modern market, but there are only few of them who provide the consumers with triangle tea bags. This in turn will prove to be a competitive advantage for the company itself (Kamukama, 2013). Additionally, the Tealure Company must also present documents from certified doctors and health physicians regarding the benefits of their tea products and how it helps in combating with several diseases. Market research needs to be conducted before entering the foreign market. Along with that, the Tealure Company should hav e sound promotional as well as marketing strategies in order to capture most of the target consumers (Parry, 2012). Compliance and requirements There are no strict tariffs or restriction of importing foods from outside countries except anything of animal origin. In most of the cases it is done for fulfilling the purpose of commercial or business transactions. Import of fruits and raw vegetables from outside the country is restricted to a quantity of 2 kg due to concerns related to plant health. Imports of meat and similar products or milk related products are not allowed to import from non- European countries. The restrictions and limits are strict in the market of Denmark or in other parts of Europe. These regulations are maintained because of the concern in food safety and quality (Zhao Priporas, 2017). The Single Administrative Document for import and export or SAD serves the EU importers declaration. Information on the matters of import and export is included in the council regulation. It is the main form of custom that is used in international trade and that is the reason why it is too much relevant to the import of tea for Tealure from Nepal. The rule is that the traders and traders and agents who are involved in the business of import and export can use this SAD declaration in terms of manual processing situations. The SAD was introduced with the intention of keeping a check on the goods that were being imported and exported to and from Europe. It does not play any role while business is conducted within the European market (Jean et al., 2016). Therefore Tealure has to abide by the requirements of SAD during import of their tea products from Nepal. But the function of SAD is restricted to place where computer systems are disabled and the works are done manually or by advising the shipping agents. The amended forms of legislation calls for advancement in information for the goods imported or exported. The Tealure Company has to be updated with any kind of changes that might take place in the compliance and requirements and that are why they need to supply SAD with the tea products in order to meet the security requisites (Gnizy Shoham, 2014). SAD has international acclaims and used by the traders and businessmen in Denmark and Europe to satisfy the customs duty. The application that is submitted to SAD consists of information from business paperwork, such as certificates, shipping documents, packing lists and invoices. A complete SAD takes care of the- contents of the foods such as tea products, the movement of tea products, the commodity code which are synonymous with Tariff heading, classification or harmonization code. Apart from that there is customs procedure code which recognizes the fact that how customs treat the entry of tea products from Nepal to Denmark (Dang Lantican, 2016). The business transactions when carried out within the boundaries of Europe do not need any permission of SAD. The form of SAD might be completed with the third countries and also move the non- European goods within the country. There are specific situations when the goods can be moved within the country. As tea is a duty free product therefore a copy of approved standard commercial document will be used such as commercial invoice or partially completed SAD. With the use of SAD for declaration of the imported goods there is impact on the economics of the country too. Market segmentation Market segmentation is an effective process that is used by marketers to divide customers. As stated by Cross, Belich and Rudelius (2015) market segmentation helps an organization understand the types of customers that exist in a market. The characteristics of the customers are the key features that lead to the segmentation of markets. Marketers keep an aim in mind based on which these segments are made. It is to be noted that the characteristics of target market should be at maximizing profit. In this regard, it can be said that market segmentation can be done in a variety of ways. This includes business-to-business market segmentation and business-to-customer market segmentation. In the case of Tealure, the company needs to adopt the business-to-customer market segmentation. This is because the primary aim of the company is to provide its resources to the customers. Being a start-up company Tealure need to compete with the existing competition in the market. Hence, it is necessary that the company target customers based on certain features that can help them to expand their business and gain a reputation. The important point that needs to be noted here is the fact that customers cannot visit the stores of Tealure. Tealure is an online product selling company that targets people residing in Denmark as well as other parts spread across Europe. According to Alt and Iversen (2017) it is important to understand the tastes of the customers by dividing them into certain categories. These categories include geographical, behavioral, demographic as well as psychographic. The segments are made keeping in mind the differences that need to exist between each segment. It is also required that the segmentation remain aligned with the type of products that are being sold by a company. Venter, Wright and Dibb (2015) observed that five factors are involved based on which these segments are created. The market needs to be identifiable, substantial, responsive, actionable and stable. Based on these factors, the segments are divided that highlights the differences in the segmentation. Geographical Behavioral Demographic Psychographic The geographical criteria are used to determine the customers of a particular company. This particular segmentation combines data related to demography as well as the geographical factors to create a deeper profile of the customers. According to Dibb (2014) this particular segmentation is considered as the first step, particularly during international marketing. In the case of Tealure, the company has already chosen a geographic location in which the company aims to expand its business. The company has identified Denmark as the country in which it would like its products to be sold. However, given the fact that the company is an online retailer, the target region includes the city or town. This divides customers into a group based on the observed behaviors. According to Kara and Kaynak (2017) it is believed that this particular segmentation is important for understanding the customers. This is mainly because the behaviors of the customers need to be anticipated based on the products that are being provided to them. The frequency of purchase of products, loyalty status, the readiness of the buyers and the attitudes towards the products are important variables that need to be considered by the managers. In this regard, it can be said that being a start-up company, it is necessary that Tealure put excessive focus on the behavioral aspect of the customers. This is because the behavioral aspects can change with the introduction of new and improved products. Moreover, the existing organizations also create loyalty among the customers. This type of segmentation is based on the type of variables that exist between the consumers and the demography. These variables include age, income, family-size, socio-economic status and so on. Such segmentation ensures that customers with similar demographic profiles may show signs of purchasing similar types of items. Over the years, managers of organizations have provided labels to the type of demographics on which they base their market (Armstrong et al., 2015). In the case of Tealure, the company targets people above the age of 18 years residing in the urban regions of the country. The company ignores the rural people because it provides services online and it may not be possible to have internet connections in the rural regions. This involves the lifestyle of the customers and is measured by the activities, interest and the opinions of the customers. This particular segmentation takes into account the manner in which people spent their leisure activities. The responsive attitudes of the people are taken into account that is based on the feedback they provide a particular product. Tealure needs to understand the lifestyle that is led by the people residing in the regions of Denmark and other target areas. The lifestyle that the company targets involve mediocre as well as the high lifestyle of people. This provides the company with a wide range of customers. Table: Market segmentation (Source: Created by author) Marketing mix Product The company will be offering the best products that are found in the foothills of Himalaya within the Nepalese region. This will help the company in increasing the stocks and the best products can be provided in to the market. The company has divided its products in to various categories, which consists of white tea where the products have been classified as Autumn Frost, Autumn White, Spring White and Silver White. The variant that are present under black tea that is being offered by the company consists of the Thai Oolong, Shangri-la Oolong and Himalayan Bouquet. The black variant tea that is offered by the company is the Jasbire Black, Autumn Black, Spring Black, First Flush Nepal, Black Ruby, Himalayan Gold and Spring Black Temples. This shows that the company offers various types of black tea to the customers so that it can help the customers in having a wide range of choices. The green tea variants for the company consist of Green Needle, Autumn Green, Spring Green, green Mountain, Emerald Green and Spring Green Temples. The various kinds of products that are being offered by the company will help them in understanding the needs and preferences of the customers so that it can help the company in maximizing its rate of profits (Armstrong et al., 2015). Price The price of the products is done in a reasonable manner so that t can help in bringing the customers towards the company. Price plays an important role in the marketing mix tool, as it helps the company in gaining a competitive advantage over the rival companies that are present in the market. This will help the company in supplying more number of products in the market so that the rate of profit for the company can be increased to a great extent (Cattaneo Guerini, 2012). Place The company will be providing the products in the Danish market on an initial basis after which they will be supplying in some parts of Europe as well. These markets will be entered by using a distribution channel that is indirect in nature where the products will be sold to the wholesalers who will further distribute it among the retailers. The retailers will have a better knowledge regarding the local customers and their purchasing behavior, which will help in increasing the efficiency of cost within the market. The distribution channel will help in identifying the grocery stores and the supermarkets so that the product can be available for all type of customers who are willing to taste it (Chikweche Fletcher, 2012). Promotion Promotion is an important tool in the marketing mix, as it will help the company in increasing the level of awareness among the customers regarding the products that are available in the market. Promotional activities include the use of social media, which will help the company in advertising its products in the market with the help of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As most of the consumers in the modern world are hooked on to the social media, it will help the company in increasing the level of awareness among the customers by posting pictures and videos of the products. This will help in increasing the base of customers as well (Docherty, 2012). The company can provide free samples to the customers so that it can help them in gaining a firsthand experience of the products that are made available in the market. The use of this technique will help the company in gaining the trust of the customers regarding the product and proper feedbacks can be considered for improving the product as well. Promoting the product through point-of-sale marketing will help the company in presenting the products in the stores so that it can help in capitalizing on the impulsive behavior of the customers in buying a product. The products that are available in the stores will help in gaining the attention of the customers so that it can result in moving the products out of the stores at a faster manner (Fan, Lau Zhao, 2015). The incentive programs can also be considered by the company so that it can help in attracting the customers towards the products. Providing the products at free of cost and giving high rate of discounts will help the company in grabbing the attention from the new customers as well. This will help the company in selling large number of products in the market. The use of this technique of promotion will help the company in increasing its base of customers within the market place (Gordon, 2012). The company can also use the process of feedback after the products have been used up by the consumers. The feedback process will help the company in gaining valuable insights regarding the problems that are present in the product so that it can be developed in a better manner. The use of surveys and salesperson with better skills will help in getting the feedbacks regarding the products directly to the company so that the process of development of the product can be done according to the needs and preferences that are present in the market (Hanssens et al., 2014). Branding Brand management is the procedure through which it helps in creating a unique value for the brand. The use of designs and the creation of better methods of advertising will help the company in promoting its brand in the market. These elements are vital but other factors also need to be considered by the company. Brand management also needs to consider the aspects such as the life cycle that is present among the brands, which will help in addressing the issue of losing the appeal of the brand after a certain period of time. The use of the branding strategies will help the company so that it can help them in analyzing the market in a better manner. To develop the brand in a holistic manner, the strategy has to be used in all the levels of the management that is present within the company. This will help the company in identifying its strengths in the market as well (Huang Sarigll, 2014). A properly chosen branding strategy will help in consistently identifying the brands key strengths. The company will in turn, be able to focus on the benefits and also attract the target audience faster. In addition to this, some authors have defined some international brand strategies on the basis of different brand typology. These factors are; brand positioning, brand architecture as well as brand reach. The first and foremost strategy is based on the goal and objective of the company (Leonidou, Katsikeas Morgan, 2013). However, it is important to understand whether the company wants to reach a local, international or global market. If the company wants to concentrate on a specific process of production, it will be better for the organization to create a bond or cooperation with some other brand (Jit Singh Mann Kaur, 2013). In addition to the first strategy, there are also some other strategies which is based on the international branding. The second strategy is completely based on three major aspects; brand core, brand benefits and lastly, brand personality. The brand core is also referred as brand identity by some scientists. It is described as a short expression of the brand, which helps the customers to identify the brand instantly, for example, slogans, logos, colors and others. In addition to this, the main idea of brand benefits is to just concentrate on several things, which will prove beneficial not for the company, but for its target consumers. The Tealure company needs to introduce something attractive and special, which will be highly appreciated by the target customers. Considering the company, the central benefit of the target customers is relaxation (Keller, 2013). Furthermore, brand personality correlates with the brands personal characteristics like name of the brand, logo and more. The brand personality helps the target consumers to recognize their favorite brands as well as the associated products with the logo or name. Therefore, Tealure Companys logo will help its target consumers to easily identify their favorite products. The third strategy is about absorbing, which also includes some useful aspects. In modern days, lot of attention is given to the creation of the brand architecture. The core reason is that there are many firms, which not just only have one brand, but several brands. Example of such a company is Proctor and Gamble. Moreover, having a clear knowledge regarding effective brand architecture is considered to be extremely important as companies having various brands need to combine and control all the brands into an individual unity (Keller, 2017). The creation of the international strategies includes detailed analysis of the market entry options, planning of the activities both inside as well as outside. There always exists a need for determining how the company will manage its brands from the different segment of the market and who is in charge of the overall procedure. Moreover, it is highly essential for the management of the organization to determine if or not the international brand will be differing from the parent brand. In addition to this, it must be kept in mind that the new brand must be able to complement the parent brand, which in turn must contribute to the increasing of the profits. Furthermore, it is important to keep under consideration that the new brand must not mislead the target customers, under any consequences (Khan, 2014). In addition to this, the strategy of the global brand does not assume the adaptation of the existing brand. It can be easily characterized by the name and logo of the brand. Additionally, companies with identical brand names need to change their strategies, logo, product proposition, brand positioning, communication styles and other factors in various countries. The standardized operation of the brands leads to the significant scale economies as well as increase in the investment flows of the company (Leekha Chhabra Sharma, 2014). Moreover, the overall strategy of the international brand must be on the basis of the specified markets. This particular strategy is only available for those organizations that have a unique product. In addition to this, such products as well as brands have no real competition on entering the new markets. Furthermore, the global brands have certain distinctive features that cannot be stimulated (Kotabe Helsen, 2014). If the Tealure Company wants to choose this particular international strategy of branding, it needs to focus on their uniqueness of the products as well as brands more than its overall sales and price. Furthermore, the strategy of the transnational brands will contribute the adaptation of each and every market. For this particular way, the Tealure Company must develop an individual idea of branding for each and every market. They must have an idea of how the company wants to develop their brand structure. Moreover, the company must have a unified corporate concept that needs to run an individual idea of all the branding and marketing activities. In addition to this, adapting this particular strategy will require lot of money and resources from the organization. This particular strategy is highly expected to meet the national requirements or needs of the target consumers (Larsen, 2014). As soon as the market requires some kind of personal activities, the company should start spending money as well as resources, in order to make the branding a successful one. The best example for this strategy is when the companies start promoting its brands and products by using various promotional activities. One of them includes special advertising for different countries keeping in mind the changing preferences of the target consumers. In addition to this, special participation of the celebrities is also done in order to attract the viewers and the target consumers. Lastly, the company can use the strategy of multinational brands as it proposes to the full adaptation. In order to make the brands multinational, the company can blindly apply this particular strategy. It is easiest way of avoiding the possible challenges or difficulties. Difficulties can arise at any point of time in the overall procedure of the brand promotional strategy, as several countries have several requireme nts and expectations. Therefore, Tealure Company needs to keep such factors in mind and design the promotional activities in accordance with that (Leekha Chhabra Sharma, 2014). In general, each and every strategy of branding demands some specific actions or steps for its overall creation. Thus, the Tealure Company needs to make certain strategies on creating a particular branding strategy. This may include; trans-cultural logo creation or brand name, identification of the universal theme of the brand, developing an essence of the global brand and lastly, conveying the essence of the brand through their products. All the above steps are considered to be highly important as well as necessary while choosing a particular strategy for international branding. Each and every organization has its own distinguishing characteristics as well as features, which have the power of changing the common organizational strategies. However, the common strategies help in transforming the national brand into international (Leonidou, Katsikeas Morgan, 2013). In modern days, there are various models which help in building a strong brand. Several authors believe that the goal of the marketers must be to achieve highest emotions of consumers. Subsequently, this will lead to the desire and trust of the consumers to buy that particular brand or product (Oeppen Jamal, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that the marketers of the Tealure Company must be able to understand clearly, the behavior and attitudes of the consumers. In addition to this, some of the authors claimed that such trust and willingness of the consumers will further lead to brand loyalty that even makes it stronger. However, the emotions of the consumers are always linked with the communication between the consumers with their favorite brands. In order to have a successful and strong brand building procedure, the Tealure Company must take several factors into consideration (Punyatoya, 2014). The authors present a particular model of communications which mentions about three components. Those components are involving, informing and igniting the consumers regarding that particular brand or product. Ignite means that the Tealure Company must be able to grab the attention of the consumers by presenting bright as well as attractive advertisements. It will further get the consumers love those products (Jit Singh Mann Kaur, 2013). Inform on the other hand refers to the companys ability to impart information to the consumers regarding the products or the brand. In addition to this, the Tealure Company must be able to involve the consumers and make them a part of the company (Menegaki, 2012). Moreover, brand differentiation is also an important part of the strong international brand. The positive emotions that are caused by the company are one of their strongest weapons in the aid of differentiating the brand. Brand differentiation will help the Tealure Company in achieving the competitive advantage, especially in the international market (Mintz Currim, 2013). Activities of Tealure Tealure is a Denmark based tea producing company that aims to expand its business in the country as well as in other areas of Europe. It is a start-up company trying to find its position in the market of the country. The analysis of the market segmentation and marketing mix provides an idea about the struggle that the company need to make to gain entry in the markets of Denmark. In this regard, it can be said that Tealure is involved in various other methods by which it can improve its brand. One of the major activities that are done by the company is the fact that it imports tea from Nepal (Tealure.dk, 2018). The fact that the company has an import deal with Nepal provides a guaranteed good quality of products. This is mainly because Nepal is well known for producing tea leaves. The export to other countries indicates the eagerness that the company has in gaining international standards. The fact that it is an online company makes it difficult for it to interact with customers on a face-to-face basis. The face-to-face communication with the customers is required in order to gain instant feedback and for ensuring a proper promotion of the products (Hassan, Craft Kortam, 2012). It has been seen that despite the lack of physical stores, the company makes efforts to maintain interaction with the customers. This is done by providing questionnaires to the people residing in the neighborhood. The feedback helps the company to continue its segmentation of the product and ensure that the best quality is delivered to the customers. According to Dibb and Simkin (2016) one of the best ways by which customers can be kept in the loop is by creating fan pages in social networking sites. In the modern day, contents are developed in the Instagram and Facebook pages so that interaction with the customers can be maintained. Tealure adopts these policies to expand its market and create brand awareness for the company. Another important activity that the company is a part of is the tea tasting and demonstration campaign. This is important, as the quality and taste of the tea are important for gaining the satisfaction of the customers. In the words of Kotler (2015), in order to understand the success that a particular product may endure in the market, it is important that a company analyse its products. The tea tasting activity that Tealure adopts involves the promotion of the quality of tea that it manufactures. The fact that the company has a poor financial position provides less opportunity for it to be involved in promotional activities. Recommendation Based on the analysis of the company, its marketing segmentation and marketing mix, it can be said that to succeed in the international market, it is important that Tealure undergo certain changes in the company. These changes can help the company be recognized in the market of Denmark as well as the target countries in which they intend to expand. One such recommendation that can be provided is based on the market segmentation of the company. It has been seen that Tealure aims to expand its business in countries in other parts of Europe. Hence, the United Kingdom can be one such country in which it can be involved in exporting of tea. This is mainly because the United Kingdom is one of the major tea-drinking countries in Europe. Exporting tea in that country can help the company gain a reputation and improve the brand image. It can help Tealure to get the exposure it requires for recognition in the international market. Another recommendation that can be related to the company is the variety of products. Although it is seen that Tealure provides varieties of black and green tea, the introduction of coffee can help the company explore new areas. This is because coffee is as famous as tea in Europe. However, it is to be noted that the coffee beans are freshly picked so that it does not provide any type of hindrance to the quality of service. The price set for the products by Tealure is reasonable and can be purchased by every people. However, it is also necessary that the company make adequate changes to the prices. It can be beneficial for the company to understand the needs of the people. People use the product sold by Tealure all across the globe on a regular basis. It is considered as one of the most refreshing beverages. Hence, it is necessary for Tealure to maintain low prices so that people with a medium standard of living can purchase the products online. This is even more necessary for Tealure as it lacks any physical stores and opportunities for bargaining with the prices do not exist. In the light of this statement, Tealure can consider adopting a store for selling the products. This can help the company to gain more customers as most people prefer to shop by visiting the stores. This can provide opportunities for the company to interact with the customers directly. However, to do so, it is necessary for the company to be located in a commercial place. It is seen that the products are sold all over Denmark on an initial basis. Hence, it will be to the advantage of the company if the physical store is situated in the capital city along with branches in other cities. In order to do so, it is necessary that Tealure develop more revenue by the proper sell of the products. Conclusion Thus, after the completion of the topic, it can be said that Tealure is a start-up company that has potential to succeed in the international market. The type of products that are sold by the company is a common item. The point at which the company excels is the fact that it imports its product from Nepal. Such an action is indicative of the urge to grow in the international market. However, the financial condition of the company may play a role in preventing the company from progressing at the initial stage. This can be solved with the proper use of marketing strategies so that the product can be promoted easily in the market. The fluctuation in the tea market of Denmark is another cause for less revenue of the company. 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